Astor Quest Hostel
Located less than a block from Kensington Gardens, the Astor Quest is in a prime location for a London hostel.
The Astor Quest has 100 beds, including double rooms with private (in-hall) toilets and 9-bed dorms with attached bathrooms. Breakfast is included with all overnight stays.
With an age limit of 35, the hostel’s near-constant music and expressive wall murals contribute to a far-younger vibe. Full of relaxed and friendly twenty-somethings, you’ll never eat alone in the communal dining room, where guests often prepare meals together.
Two tube stops are nearby: Queensway on the Central line and Bayswater on the Central or District line.
To book your stay check out the Astor Quest Hostel
45 Queensborough Terrace, Bayswater
London, W2 3SY
phone: 020 7229 7782